So one of the biggest thing that I always advocate for, and super thankful to have in my life, is to have a great support system. For me that support system are my close friends. It’s so important for me to have to a person or group of people in my life that I can talk to about anything and everything. Someone to unload all my thoughts and feelings, all my angst and triumphs, all fears and joy without any walls or notion of rejection or embarrassment. It’s not even about solving problems, just having someone there to listen does a world of help for my mental state. Without them all my achievement would mean a lot less, my trails and tribulations would have been far more difficult to overcome and my days would be a lot more lonely and filled with pent up emotions… And so I hope you, and any one else that reads these blogs of mine, have someone in your life that let’s you feel at home. Remember to thank them, to cherish them and to tell them how much they mean to you.
Anyway enough of that sappy stuff lemme tell you more about this rad, sun filled adventure I had last summer with these two buddies of mine. So with wedding season in full swing I don’t get the chance to focus as much on my creative side. Hence whenever I get the chance to go out on these adventures I let loose and try anything and everything. There’s always new shooting styles I want to play with, certain lighting condition I want to practice and I just want to have fun shooting, doing whatever and not have to worry about it being successful or not. This goes back to what I was talking about strong support group because having my dear friends Victor and Xinyu adventure with me and support my passion means the world to me. Without them on this adventure it would have been a very boring road trip and I wouldn’t have learnt a thing. It also helps that these guys are super good looking and by far my favourite fake couple. So this day’s objective was to do a basic travel blog through GIFs and stills, and hopefully I’ll be able to do more of these personal blogs. One of my 2020 themes/new years resolution is to share more about my life and yeah hope you guys enjoy.